What is an ETID?
Extra Terrestrial Information Devices (ETID)
Beings from different parts of the cosmos benefit enormously by exchanging detailed information regarding the experience of life as it applies on their various planets, with each other. This exchange is done regularly and often by many beings from different locations in the cosmos.
Earth humans, Star humans and Extra-Terrestrials have often located within their aura (electro magnetic field), energetic devises designed to transmit and receive such information where relevant or useful. These devices can be termed; Extra -Terrestrial Information Devices or E.T.I.D
These devices are generally placed in our field with our Soul’s permission (often at birth). It is noteworthy that very rarely (less than 5% of cases) has such a device been implanted against our free will and choice (contrary to popular UFO/Alien literature).
Although information could theoretically be transmitted between beings from different locations in the cosmos via physical/mechanical devices, this is not generally the case at this point of our collective, galactic evolution. The devices are usually energetic in nature, transmitting information by functioning as a “connection point” or “doorway” between, different time/ space and dimensional co-ordinates.
An Earth- human or Star- human can have a variety of ETIDs functioning successfully in their system for extended periods and not feel any discomfort.
Occasionally however an Earth- human may feel discomfort when they undergo physical or energetic changes. These changes create a disharmony between their energetic field and that of the ETID’s resonance. The resultant symptoms for the Earth-Human are aches, pains or thoughts, which feel like there is constant background noise in the back of their head.
A similar set of symptoms can occur for Star- humans or StarChildren from the time of birth, in addition to a feeling of confusion regarding which reality they exist in (Earth or their planet of origin). This can produce seemingly inappropriate behaviour by Earth’s standards.
The ETID Attuner
This essence that will attune the energy of any devices an individual has within their field so it’s vibration can remain harmonious with any changes to the energy field of the human carrier. It operates effectively in an Earth- human as well as any Star-human
The ETID Remover
This essence will usually completely remove and de-activate an ETID which is completely incompatible with the carrier’s energy field or which has been placed in the field against their free will and choice.
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What is an ETID?