Personal Archetypal Charts: your Soul Profiled
Have your personal Archetypal Profile investigated & documented;
Order your Personal Goddess, Masculine Akhbaka, Elemental & Starchild Charts at Essential Energies & Enjoy the benefits.
There is a way to identify the inherent Archetypes which are major components (dominate) a person's individual Soul Structure.
One way to understand these inherent Archetypal energies is to think of them as the aspects of Prime Creator which are in essence: the aspects of Spirit which are the "stuff" that makes up your individual soul structure.
“As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…” by Hermes Trismegistus
At Essential Energies we are able to identify these Goddess, Masculine Akhbaka, Elemental, Starseed & Angelic aspects which are the fundamental (inherent ) parts of you created in the image of Prime Creator.
When you order such a chart from us it will enhance your understanding of who & what you are. It will pinpoint the energies linking you to the whole of creation & how these support your personal destiny & life purpose.
Your Archetypal charts can also be compared with those of your loved ones or colleagues to discern areas of compatability & challenge.
Knowledge of these energies has the advantage of also highlighting which areas of your inner technology need energetic support in the form of essences & elixirs from Essential Energies to propel you with greater ease on your life path.
Please contact us if you would like one or all of your charts drawn up for you. The charges for this service depend on how many charts you desire & how detailed the explanation or support you require.
Welcome to your personal blueprint of life.
Essences of the Goddesss
Metaphysics Course
Nevine - Practitioner Flyer
PDF - Akhbaka Brochure
Practitioner Flyer
Vibrational Essences description for Insight magazine
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Video Clips
Akhbaka elixrs
Archetypes for Life
Article - Align with your destiny
Article - Alleviate Chronic Fatigue
Article - Energetic support for Men
Article - Essences & relationships
Article - Goddess energy
Article - Starpeople and Starchildren
Article - Work productivity
Article- Energy Healing is not Faith Healing
Article-Energy Medicine
Article; Essences & Elixirs to support Healers.
Article; Soulmates, twin souls, twin flames and twin spirit relationships.
Article; The Difference between Flower,Gem, Vibrational and Channelled Essences.
Article; The accuracy of intuitive or psychic readings
Article;Practical Self-Healing is a major benefit of using Essences.
Attributes Index-Elemental Elixirs
Attributes index - Akhbaka elixrs
Attributes index - Goddess essences
Attributes index - Starchildren
Attributes of the individual Masculine Akhbaka Energies imprinted in the 48 Elixirs; The Gods
Choosing the right essences or elixirs is easy
ETID Essences
Favourite sites on the internet
Feng-Shui Cures using the Elemental Elixirs
Frequently asked Questions.
Goddess Essences
Metaphysics Course; Intuitives, Magicians, Healers & Dreamers
Ordering and Shipping information
Personal Archetypal Charts: your Soul Profiled
Practitioners - Akhbaka
Practitioners - Goddess
Practitioners - Starchildren
Practitioners using the Elemental Elixirs
Preparing a Personal Blend (mixture)
Privacy Policy & Disclaimer
Some thoughts on the benefits derived from using the Elemental Elixirs and why.
Star Children Essences
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The Elemental Elixirs- Brief overview
What is an ETID?