Attributes index - Akhbaka elixrs
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abuse - Poseidon, Set, Lugh
allowance - Achilles, Anubis
action - Odin
activists - Robyn Hood
adaptability - Loki, Adam
admiration - Baldur
adoption - Gwydion
adrenal fatigue - Odysseus, Thor, Geronamo
adventure - Hermes
agitation - Poseidon, Alchemy, Adam
alcoholism - Dionysus, Set, Lancelot, Poseidon
altruism - Gallahad
ambivalence - Lucifer
ancestral mind - Geronamo
apprentices - Lugh
arbitration - Solomon
argumentative - Aries, Ghandi, Thoth
arrogance - Achilles, Set, Arthur, Adam, Horace, Galileo
art - Apollo
artificial body parts - A.I
artists - Apollo
aspirations - Icarus
assumption - Descartes
autonomic nervous system - Odin
basic survival - Geronamo, Ares, Osiris
bad manners - Hades
betrayal - Jesus, Osiris
big picture - Einstein
biological regulation - Thoth
birth - Adam, Osiris
bisexual or asexual - Ra
bizarre experiences -Brounger
bliss - Buddha
blood circulation, sluggish - Poseidon
boundaries - Set, Apollo, Osiris, Poseidon
brain storming - Zeus
brave-heart - Lancelot, Gallahad
budgeting - Robyn Hood, Set, Apollo, Solomon
business acumen - Solomon, Loki
celebrations - Dionysus, Geronamo
cell renewal - Shiva, Horace, Adam
challenge, ongoing - Osiris, Jesus
challenging self - Lucifer
change agents - Osiris
channelers - Gallahad, Mohammad
chaos - Brounger
character flaws - Achilles
charm - Baldur, Eros
civil rights - Robyn Hood
coherence - Shiva
coincidence - Brounger
comfort zones - Adam, Geronamo
commodities - Vulcan
completeness - Ra
computer know-how - A.I
conceptual thinking - Einstein
conflict - Eros
confusion - Descartes, Thoth
congruent nature - Lancelot
conscience - Anubis, Lancelot, Paris, Set
consequences - Paris
constancy - Chiron
contemplation - Buddha
contentment - Buddha
co-ordinating activities - Loki
corruption - Baldur
cosmetic surgery - A.I
courtship - Eros, Lancelot, Gallahad
creativity - Ra
cunning - Loki
dawdlers - Apollo
daydream - Icarus
death - Osiris, Anubis
debate - Thoth
defending love - Lancelot
delegating - Zeus
delusion - Buddha
dependent - Buddha
depression - Zeus
despondency - Hades
destruction - Shiva
detachment - Buddha
determination - Arthur, Lancelot, Loki, Osiris, Jesus, Mohammad, Odin, Ares
dignity - Baldur
diplomacy - Solomon, Thoth
disillusioned - Buddha
disruption - Brounger, Odysseus, Geronamo
dogma - Galileo
dread - Odysseus
dreams - Icarus
drug abuse - Dionysus, Set, Lancelot, Poseidon
dying - Shiva
dysfunction - Achilles
ecstasy - Dionysus
educators - Chiron
ego - Hades, Gallahad, Lancelot
embryo - Adam
emotional depth - Poseidon
emotional overwhelm - Poseidon
endings - Shiva, Odysseus
energy low - Ra
enlightenment - Buddha
entrepreneurs - Zeus
envy - Set
epiphany - Mohammed
equality - Arthur
erotic desire - Eros
eroticism - Dionysus, Eros
escape - Hermes, Geronamo, Gwydion, Ghandi
etiquette - Apollo, Eros
exercise - Pan, Odin, Set
expediency - Apollo
experience - Odin
extra-marital affairs - Osiris, Lancelot, Odysseus, Arthur
facilitators - Gwydion
failure - Set
falling in love - Eros
family issues - Horace
fantasise - Icarus
fatigue - Einstein, Pan
fear of evil - Lucifer
feeling sinful - Lucifer, Anubis, Adam
fighting - Eros
financial security - Solomon
fitness program - Pan
flawless - Gallahad, Jesus
flaws - Achilles
fluidity - Poseidon
focused intent - Merlin
focused mind - Merlin
force - Thor, Ares
forgiveness - Jesus, Gwydion, Lugh, Arthur, Lancelot
form - Apollo
foster parents - Gwydion
free thinking - Zeus
fundamentals - Arthur, Geronamo
gardening - Pan
Genetic disease - Horace
gloom - Hades
goal setting - Apollo
graceful movement - Poseidon
guilt - Anubis
habits - Anubis
hands - Vulcan
harmony - Apollo, Ghandi
healers - Chiron
Healing process - Chiron
Hearts health - Lancelot
hearts wisdom - Lancelot
heritage - Geronamo
holding back - Lucifer, Paris
homesick - Odysseus
homosexuals - Pan, Dionysus
humility - Gallahad, Ghandi, Lancelot, Osiris, Mohammad
hunches - Brounger
ideas - Zeus
import/export - Hermes, Solomon
inertia - Atum
infection - Ares, Chiron, Thoth
infertility - Pan
information overload - A.I, Shiva
ingratitude - Baldur
inner rhythm - Shiva, Thoth
instincts - Geronamo
interim periods - Ra
interruptions - Odysseus, Geronamo
introverts - Hades
irony - Loki
Job success - Hercules, Vulcan, Arthur, Odin
lateral thinking - Loki
leadership - Arthur, Osiris, Adam, Zeus, Jesus
learning - Einstein, Chiron, Set, Lugh, Thoth, Odin
libido - Pan
limitation - Set
loves trials - Lancelot
loving - Lancelot, Eros
lucid dreams - Icarus
lust for life - Eros
machinery - Vulcan
magic - Merlin
making amends - Hercules
management - Zeus, Set, Arthur, Osiris, Solomon
martial arts - Shiva, Merlin
martyrs - Jesus
materialism - Buddha, Solomon
materialistic - Hermes, Osiris
measurement - Thoth
mechanical breakdowns - Vulcan
meditation - Buddha
Mental fatigue - Zeus
mental rut - Zeus
mentors - Arthur, Gwydion, Chiron
metabolic diseases - Einstein
mid-life crisis - Lugh
mind over matter - Merlin
mind, body, soul integration - Hercules, Loki
mineralogists - Hades
misfits - Hades, Vulcan, Lugh
momentum - Odin
morals - Paris, Anubis, Set
motivation - Lancelot, Odin
music - Apollo
musicians - Apollo
new beginnings - Adam
new experiences - Adam
objectivity - Descartes
observation - Descartes
omens - Brounger
opposition - Loki, Set, Baldur
organ donation - A.I
over weight - Einstein
overwhelm - Descartes, Set, Shiva, Poseidon
pain management - Dionysus, Chiron
Panic - Geronamo, Pan, Hermes
parenting - Gwydion
patterns recurring - Anubis
pause - Atum
peace - Ghandi, Ares
perfectionists - Achilles
persecution - Jesus, Geronamo, Robin Hood
personal integrity - Lancelot
plastic surgery - A.I
pleasers - Paris
potential in waiting - Atum
power - Lucifer
practical jokes - Loki
premonitions - Baldur
proactive - Baldur
procrastinators - Odin, Apollo
protection - Thor
psychic protector - Paris
pure-hearted - Gallahad
purification - Gallahad
purpose - Odysseus
quick thinking - Zeus, Loki, Gwydion
rage - Ares
rebirth - Osiris
redemption - Jesus, Osiris, Chiron
refinancing - Robyn Hood
regeneration - Osiris, Adam, Shiva
relationship - Eros
releasing the past - Anubis
repair - Horace
repair - Vulcan, Hercules
resourcefulness - Chiron, Gwydion
restrictions - Hermes, Gwydion, Set
retraining - Lugh
retreat - Paris
revisiting - Horace
rhythm - Shiva
rigidity - Poseidon
robotics - A.I
role models - Baldur
ruts - Anubis, Set
sacrifice - Jesus
safety - Thor
sales - Hermes, Solomon, Horace
sanctuary - Geronamo, Hades, Ares
science - Galileo
sea-sick - Odysseus
self integration - Ra
self observation - Descartes
self orientation - Hades
self respect - Baldur
self-restraint - Set
setbacks - Set
sexual desire - Eros, Zeus
sexual restraint - Shiva, Set
sexual urge - Pan
shamans - Geronamo
shame - Anubis
simple living - Ghandi
simplification - Gwydion, Loki, Ghandi
single parents - Gwydion
skill - Lugh, Vulcan
social responsibility - Horace
socialising - Dionysus, Eros
soldiers - Achilles, Ares, Lancelot
sovereign rights - Robyn Hood
speaking - Thoth
spiritual awakening - Mohammed
spiritual connection - Gallahad, Mohammad
spiritual emergence - Mohammed
spiritual Practice - Mohammed
spiritual responsibility - Mohammed
sport - Pan, Hercules, Apollo
stagnation - Adam, Atum
stamina - Hercules, Pan, Odysseus, Odin
starting - Odin
sticky situations - Loki
storytelling - Chiron
street-wise - Loki
strength - Hercules
structure - Apollo
study - Thoth, Lugh, Apollo
suffering - Jesus
supported - Osiris
swordsmanship - Lancelot
synchronicity - Brounger
taboos - Gwydion
tantra - Shiva
taxes - Robyn Hood
teaching - Chiron
teamwork - Arthur
technology - A.I
temptation - Lucifer, Paris, Lancelot, Adam
theft - Hermes
thinking - Thoth, Zeus, Merlin,
threat - Thor
tolerance - Ghandi
tools - Vulcan
trade - Hermes
tradespeople - Vulcan
transition - Atum
transport - Vulcan, Hermes, Odysseus
trans-sexual - Loki
trapped - Hermes
travel - Hermes
trouble - Loki
truth - Galileo, Osiris, Buddha, Descartes, Thoth
under weight - Einstein
understanding - Galileo, Descartes, Einstein, Thoth, Buddha
undertakers - Anubis
unfairness - Robyn Hood
unity - Ra
unpredictability - Brounger
unrequited love - Lugh
uptight - Dionysus, Hermes
values - Paris
violence - Ghandi, Ares
visionary - Arthur, Icarus, Osiris, Einstein, Mohammad
vitality - Pan
waiting - Atum
war - Eros
water retention - Poseidon
weaknesses - Achilles
wealth - Solomon, Hades
win-win - Solomon
withdrawal - Paris
withdrawal from society - Hades, Zeus
work - Vulcan, Odin, Hercules
work search - Lugh, Atum, Baldur, Odin, Lancelot,
workaholics - Vulcan, Dionysus, Hades, Zeus
writers block - Odin, Thoth, Poseidon
writing - Thoth
Essences of the Goddesss
Metaphysics Course
Nevine - Practitioner Flyer
PDF - Akhbaka Brochure
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Video Clips
Akhbaka elixrs
Archetypes for Life
Article - Align with your destiny
Article - Alleviate Chronic Fatigue
Article - Energetic support for Men
Article - Essences & relationships
Article - Goddess energy
Article - Starpeople and Starchildren
Article - Work productivity
Article- Energy Healing is not Faith Healing
Article-Energy Medicine
Article; Essences & Elixirs to support Healers.
Article; Soulmates, twin souls, twin flames and twin spirit relationships.
Article; The Difference between Flower,Gem, Vibrational and Channelled Essences.
Article; The accuracy of intuitive or psychic readings
Article;Practical Self-Healing is a major benefit of using Essences.
Attributes Index-Elemental Elixirs
Attributes index - Akhbaka elixrs
Attributes index - Goddess essences
Attributes index - Starchildren
Attributes of the individual Masculine Akhbaka Energies imprinted in the 48 Elixirs; The Gods
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