Attributes index - Goddess essences
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Abandonment - Psyche, Persephone, Isis, and Nephthys.
Abortion - Arianrhod
Abundance - Gaia, Guinevere (in love)
Abuse - Sedna, Ix Chel, Nephthys
Acceptance - Persephone, Demeter, Changing Woman (of aging), Differences (Eve), Mary, Nephthys
Accident Prone - Gaia, Thetis, Sphinx (due to impatience), Persephone (daydream)
Action - Ishtar, Psyche, Dianna
Adaptability - Changing Woman
Addiction - Morgan le Fey
Adolescence - Changing woman
Affairs - Persephone - Aphrodite (demanding total sexual freedom) - Guinevere (affairs of the heart) - Cleopatra (refraining from destroying our lovers existing partnership)
Aggressiveness - Pele, Ishtar, Dianna
Aging - Changing woman
Alienation - Persephone, Eve (feeling we belong on Earth), Rhiannon (in community), Arianrhod (recluse)
Alignment - Kalates, Arianrhod, Isis
Aloneness - Artemis (not being afraid of being alone)
Aloofness - High Priestess, Arianrhod
Altruism - Quan Yin, Spider Woman
Ambition - Athena, Dianna, Cleopatra
Ambivalence - Arianrhod, Nephthys
Anger - constant - repressed - anger with denial - breaking up, deep seated anger, hostility - fear of anger - calming anger - frustration - Pele
Anguish - Isis, Demeter, Psyche
Animals & Animal Care - Dianna
Anxiety - Thetis, Bast
Apathy - Persephone, Pele, Nimuë, Cleopatra
Aphrodisiac - Lilith, Aphrodite, Gaia
Appreciation - Gaia, Spider Woman, Sedna, Nephthys (of self)
Argumentative - Athena, Quan Yin, Kalates
Art - Venus & Athena
Artists - Athena
Assertion - Lilith, Valkyrie, Ishtar
Attachment - Arianrhod (too attached to life) - Changing Woman (to life conditions or for of what has been) - Aphrodite (non possessive love)
Attention - Thetis, Aphrodite
Attunement - to our core self - Artemis - to nature & animals - Dianna - to cycles - Arianrhod - to our spiritual guidance - Kalates - to own wisdom - High Priestess - to goddess within - Psyche - to peoples true natures - Hel - to collective consciousness of planet - Gaia
Authority - Isis, High Priestess (helps one recognise), Rhiannon
Avoidance - Morgan le Fey, Nimuë, Arianrhod (life?s challenges)
Awakeness - Gaia, Eve, Isis, Psyche
Awkwardness - Venus, Dianna
Balance - Athena, Eagle Woman, Thetis, Venus, Isis (power and gentleness), Pele (overly emotional, fiery states of being), Guinevere
Barriers - Hel, Sphinx, Isis, Cleopatra, Psyche
Beauty - Venus (feeling beautiful)
Belonging - Eve (on Earth), Rhiannon (in community), Athena (in a man?s world)
Birth and Labour - Ix Chel, Mary
Blame - Sedna (not being a victim and blaming)
Bliss - Isis
Body - Venus (happy and confident in our body), Gaia (grounded in our body), Morgan le Fey (healing)
Boldness - Ishtar, Valkyrie
Boundaries - Sphinx
Brave Heart - Aphrodite, Isis, Guinevere
Breakthrough - Ishtar, Hel (veils of illusion)
Broken-Heart - Isis, Psyche, Demeter
Business Acumen - Cleopatra
Burn out - Nimuë, Demeter, Eve, Gaia, Pele
Calm - Thetis
Catalyst - Changing Woman
Catharsis - Pele - Arianrhod - Changing Woman - Nimuë (emotional release, cleanse)
Centeredness - Thetis (remaining calm amidst change), Sphinx (retaining boundaries & own identity in a group, crowd)
Certainty - Ishtar (bold belief in abilities), Valkyrie (courage to assert yourself)
Challenge - Isis, Psyche, Valkyrie, Morgan le Fey, Arianrhod
Chameleon - Morgan le Fey, Change Woman
Change - Changing Woman, Ishtar, Psyche
Charm - Venus, Guinevere
Cheerfulness - Bast, Thetis
Childbirth - Ix Chel, Isis
Children - Dianna, Demeter (childless), Thetis (child within), Pele (temper tantrum), Valkyrie (night terrors)
Choice - Persephone, Psyche, Eve, Quan Yin, Arianrhod, Ishtar, Guinevere
Clarity - Kalates, High Priestess, Athena, Isis, Arianrhod, Spider Woman, Cleopatra
Cleansing - Nimuë, Morgan le Fey, Sedna (the past), Changing Woman, Morgan le Fey & Changing Woman (old energy patterns from body), Venus & Nimuë (at heart), Morgan le Fey (toxic energy from mind, body and energy)
Co-dependence - Isis (being self-sufficient), Ix Chel, Ishtar (power/love), Demeter, Nephthys
Commitment - Hera, Isis (beyond death, i.e. Soul commitment), Ishtar (to oneself), Eagle Woman (to one's ideals) - Guinevere (multiple commitments)
Communication - Rhiannon, High Priestess, Spider Woman (directions) - Kalates (between higher self and conscious self) - Thetis (with plant kingdom) - Kalates (with gentle authenticity) - High Priestess (with spiritual divine wisdom) - Demeter & Mary (between mother & child) - Morgan le Fey (between body, mind & heart)
Community - Isis, Rhiannon, Spider Woman, Cleopatra
Compassion - Quan Yin, Mary, Nephthys
Competitiveness - Dianna, Artemis, Athena, Nephthys
Complaining - Spider Woman (gratitude), Ix Chel, Hera, Rhiannon (communicating grievance clearly), Pele & Ishtar (make a change), Sedna, Cleopatra
Completion - Psyche (of a cycle of growth), Arianrhod (of stage of life), Changing Woman (life stage), Ix Chel (of project), Isis (being complete as a person)
Compromise - Pele, Persephone, Athena, Guinevere
Compulsiveness - Changing Woman, Morgan le Fey, Kalates, Eagle
Concentration - Thetis, Psyche, Eagle Woman, Athena
Conception - Mary
Confidence - Ishtar & Rhiannon (when others doubt), Aphrodite, Venus, Valkyrie, Hera & Bast (social occasions)
Conflict - Venus (emotional balance)
- Spider Woman (seeing big picture & opposite view) - Valkyrie (warrior) - Pele (non compromise) - Athena (peace maker) - Sphinx (integrity) - Demeter (negotiating) Confusion - Hel, Spider Woman, Guinevere
Conscious Enlightenment - Isis, Psyche, High Priestess
Consciousness - High Priestess, Isis, Nimuë
Contentment - Bast, Isis, Spider Woman
Control - Pele (fear of losing control), Eagle Woman
Co-operation - Spider Woman, Morgan le Fey (with oneself), Artemis (with other woman) Athena, Dianna (with native world), Rhiannon (in community), Cleopatra (with those of different culture and race)
Courage - Valkyrie (to die in the face of conflict), Artemis (to be alone), Isis (to change fate or what appears to be fate), Ishtar (boldness and restructure), Eagle Woman (to pioneer, to surrender to spirit), Ix Chel (to leave dysfunctional marriage), Persephone (courage to investigate our unknown depths), Hel (to let one's self be seen by others), Lilith (our beliefs), Guinevere (to follow ones heart)
Courtship - Venus
Creativity - Aphrodite, Gaia, Spider Woman, Pele (creative spark), Athena (creative thinking, reasoning), Nimuë (emotional creativity), Eve, Ix Chel, Arianrhod
Criticism - Aphrodite, Rhiannon, Kalates, Nephthys
Cutting Ties - Ix Chel, Nephthys
Cycles - Changing Woman, Arianrhod, Gaia
Cynicism - Nimuë, Arianrhod (for dark nigh of the soul), Persephone, Isis, Cleopatra
Dancers - Bast
Darkness - Arianrhod (dark night), Persephone
Daydreaming - Gaia, Isis, Spider Woman, Persephone
Death - Arianrhod, Hel, Valkyrie (courage to face death), Rhiannon, High Priestess, Isis
Decisiveness - Persephone, Ishtar, Kalates (inner knowing), Athena, Hera, Ix Chel
Defensiveness - Arianrhod, Eve, Lilith
Denial - Persephone, Arianrhod
Depression - Persephone, Nimuë, Bast
Desire - Venus, Aphrodite, Lilith
Despair - Ishtar, Venus, Morgan le Fey, Isis
Destiny - Isis, Arianrhod, Sphinx
Destruction - Ishtar, Morgan le Fey
Destructiveness - Pele, Ishtar
Detached - Lady of the Lake
Detail - Spider Woman, Morgan Le Fey
Determination - Psyche, Isis, Valkyrie, Ishtar, Cleopatra
Detoxification - Morgan le Fey (release of toxic energy and patterns from one's mind, body & emotions), Nimuë
Discipline - Isis, Nephthys, Morgan Le Fey
Discouragement - Isis, Psyche
Discretion - Sphinx
Disfigurement - Hel
Disillusionment - Nimuë, Ishtar, Nephthys
Disorientation - Spider Woman & Thetis, Gaia, Arianrhod Dogma - Lilith, Dianna, Eagle Woman, High Priestess (being free from)
Doubt - Arianrhod, Rhiannon
Dreaming - Isis, Spider Woman, Eagle Woman, Persephone
Dreams - Isis, Nephthys (protection)
Dulled Senses - Dianna, Nimuë, Eve (energy), Venus (for feeling life is dull), Gaia (when ungrounded)
Dullness - Aphrodite & Eve
Dutifulness - Hera, Isis, Demeter, Cleopatra
Earth Healing - Gaia
Eating Disorders - Morgan le Fey, Venus, Demeter, Rhiannon
Ego - High Priestess (bringing ego forces into harmony with wisdom of our divine self, Kalates (with higher self)
Egotism - Spider Woman
Emergence - Lilith (allowing suppressed aspects of self & sexuality to emerge into our awareness), Psyche (of our Divine essence and integrate with physical)
Emergency - Morgan le Fey (trauma & shock), Thetis (remain centred), Gaia (remain grounded), Athena (mental clarity during events, Isis (faith & hope), Valkyrie (courage in face of danger)
Empathy - Quan Yin, Nephthys
Empowered - Morgan le Fey (to help facilitate our healing - Eagle Woman (by maintaining spiritual ideals (spiritual integrity) - Pele (not compromising ourselves) - Athena (due to ability to logically and creatively design life and events in a way that suits and for the good of us all) - Lilith (those who have suffered prejudice) - Sedna (those who have been victims) - Cleopatra (in any situation)
Empty Nest Syndrome - Demeter
Endurance - Psyche, Nimuë (emotional), Dianna & Gaia (physical), Valkyrie (physical), Isis (sustained)
Energy - Eve (vitality)
Enthusiasm - Athena, Ishtar
Environment - Dianna, Gaia
Envy - Spider Woman, Nephthys
Equality - Lilith, Ishtar, Guinevere
Escapism - Persephone & Gaia, Venus
Etheric - Morgan le Fey (repair of Etheric web in illness, after surgery or injury) - Spider woman (etheric web connecting all creation)
Evolution - Psyche (from mortal to Goddess), Isis (of our soul) - Guinevere (through the heart)
Excess - Sedna (for prudence), Dianna, Spider Woman (knowing how to pass it on)
Excuses - Ix Chel, Sedna, Nephthys
Exhaustion and Fatigue - Eve, Psyche, Gaia, Isis
Expectations - Lilith (being free of all and everyone's expectations) - Nephthys (freedom from unsuitable expectations from oneself.
Exploitation - Sedna, Ix Chel.
Failure - Isis, Demeter, Psyche, Eve, Hera, Cleopatra
Faith - Isis (that one can achieve the impossible)
False Persona - Artemis, Hel, Nephthys
Family - Isis (relating to soul family), Eve (relating to humanity as our family), Demeter, Eagle Woman (conflict family & career), Persephone (father), Persephone (mother)
Father - Athena, Persephone
Fear - Valkyrie, Persephone, Ishtar
Female - Lilith (feeling oneself as equal to men) - Eve (not feeling guilty for female original sin) - High Priestess (feeling directly connected to feminine aspect of Creator) - Nimuë (feminine consciousness) - High Priestess (teaching more feminine aspects of spirituality) - Guinevere (balance between inner male & female)
Fickle - Aphrodite, Hera, Guinevere
Fire - Pele
Flexibility - Changing Woman, Demeter, Guinevere
Flirtation - Venus (enjoyment of)
Focus - Ix Chel, Isis, Thetis, Valkyrie
Foresight - Isis
Forgiveness - Quan Yin, Demeter (for mothers of children who have been hurt etc), Lilith (of self), Hera (of wounds), Rhiannon (self-acceptance)
Freedom - Dianna, Artemis, Athena, Eagle Woman (own ideals), Lilith, Ix Chel, Arianrhod, Guinevere
Friendship - Artemis
Frustration - Isis, Psyche, Rhiannon, Pele
Fulfilment - Psyche, Valkyrie, Isis
Gardening - Thetis, Gaia
Generosity - Spider Woman
Gentleness - Kalates
Gifts - Spider Woman
Gloom - Persephone, Bast
Gossip - Sphinx
Grace - Isis, High Priestess, Quan Yin
Greed - Spider Woman, Sedna, Gaia
Grief - Isis, Demeter
Groundedness - Gaia, Eve
Growth - Psyche, Spider Woman, Change Woman
Guidance - Kalates, High Priestess
Guilt - Quan Yin, Demeter, Eve, Guinevere, Nephthys
Handicap - Hel, Mary (Mother of handicapped children)
Harmony - High Priestess (between physical and sacred law), Eagle Woman (between personal and divine will), Nimuë, Venus - Guinevere (with males) - Isis (perfect with partner)
Harvest - Gaia
Healers - Morgan le Fey
Healing Process - Morgan le Fey, Sedna, Isis, Nimuë
Health - Gaia, Morgan le Fey
Heart - Mary (opening our heart to unconditional love) - Aphrodite (in the physical), (heart centred creativity) - Morgan le Fey (healing through heart energy) - Guinevere (having a large enough heart for more than one partner
Hesitation - Rhiannon, Ishtar
Higher Self - Kalates (creating, sustaining or strengthening our connection)
Home - Hera, Demeter
Honesty - Ishtar, Arianrhod
Honour - Isis, Hera
Hope - Isis
Hostility - Pele, Valkyrie, Athena
Humility - Isis, Spider Woman, Kalates, Nephthys
Humour - Bast, Hera
Hurt - Nimuë (releasing of), Morgan le Fey (for physical)
Hyperactive - Thetis
Hypochondria - Morgan le Fey (responsible for one's own health), Quan Yin, Hel (psychosomatic masking real pain and suffering)
Hysteria - Venus, Nimuë, Thetis
Idealism - Eagle Woman, Isis
Identity - Sphinx (knowledge), Psyche (expansion), Ishtar & Lilith (honest projection of), Nephthys
Immaturity - Persephone (of adult identity), Aphrodite (emotional)
Immobility - Rhiannon (stagnation), Ishtar (risk), Eve (physical), Aphrodite (inspired)
Immune Disturbances - Morgan le Fey, Gaia, Arianrhod
Impatience - Arianrhod, Pele, Sphinx, Kalates
Impetuousness - Arianrhod
Impulsive - Pele
Inadequacy - Aphrodite, Venus, Mary, Nephthys
Incest - Isis, Arianrhod
Indecision - Hera, Eve, Athena, Ix Chel, Guinevere
Independence - Artemis, Dianna, Isis, Ishtar
Individuality - Sphinx, Artemis, Lilith, Arianrhod, Nephthys
Inertia - Rhiannon, Pele, Ishtar
Influence - High Priestess, Nimuë & Isis, Cleopatra
Initiation - Ishtar, Valkyrie, Psyche, Arianrhod, Isis
Initiative - Ishtar, Cleopatra
Inner Child - Persephone, Thetis
Inner Realisation - Ishtar, Ix Chel, Nephthys, Psyche
Inner Sanctum - Artemis
Innocence - Persephone
Insight - Nimuë, High Priestess, Arianrhod, Athena, Persephone
Inspiration - Aphrodite, Eagle Woman, Nimuë
Instinctual Self - Dianna, Lilith, Bast
Integration - High Priestess (of divine wisdom into present), Psyche (of experiences for spirit evolution), Sedna (of abuse and victimisation for growth)
Integrity - Eagle Woman, Lilith, Arianrhod, Dianna
Intellect - Athena
Intimacy - Psyche (with our beloved), Aphrodite (emotional), Lilith (sexual), Artemis (with self)
Intolerance - Eve, Isis, Arianrhod, Cleopatra
Introspection - Artemis, Persephone, Hel
Intuition - Kalates, Nimuë, Isis (enhanced by)
Involvement - Gaia, Rhiannon (with community), Isis (with community)
Irritation - Pele (general), Arianrhod (at the restrictions of society)
Isolation - Eve, Spider Woman
Jealousy - Pele, Cleopatra, Nephthys Spider Woman
Joy - Bast, Thetis
Judgement - Athena (intellect), Ishtar (instinct), High Priestess (wisdom), Kalates (intuitive)
Justice - Ishtar
Leadership - Ishtar, Isis, Rhiannon, Eve, Cleopatra
Learning - Morgan le Fey, Psyche, Athena, Cleopatra
Learning Difficulties - Morgan le Fey, Athena Gaia
Lesbians - Dianna, Artemis
Lethargy - Venus (due to mundaness of life), Eve & Gaia (physical)
Letting Go - Pele, Eagle Woman, Nephthys
Life Direction - Arianrhod, Nimuë, Isis
Life Purpose - Isis, Arianrhod, or life purpose as per direction
Lightness - Eve, Aphrodite, Bast, Thetis
Listening - Nimuë, Kalates, Psyche, Rhiannon
Logic - Athena
Loneliness - Artemis, Eve, Mary, Demeter, Psyche, Isis
Love - Gaia (of earth) - Dianna (of nature) - Eve, Isis (of humanity) - Mary (of children) - Venus (romantic love) - Aphrodite (mature love) - Hel (the unloved) - Isis (spiritual), Isis (fated) - Guinevere (of more than one partner)
Lust - Lilith, Ishtar
Luxury - Hera, Gaia, Cleopatra
Magic - Isis, Morgan le Fey, Nephthys
Maiming - Hel
Management - Ishtar (leadership) - Valkyrie (strategy) - Cleopatra (of large groups and diverse people) - Arianrhod (time)
Manifestation - Arianrhod, Isis, Ix Chel, Nephthys
Marriage - Hera, (making and maintaining commitment) - Ishtar, (revising our ideal
Marriage Periodically - Ix Chel, (leaving a dysfunctional marriage) - Psyche (intimacy in) - Guinevere (to more than one person in our own heart) - Cleopatra (for pragmatic reasons)
Martyrdom - Sedna, Mary, Nephthys
Masculine - Athena (encouraging the masculine), Guinevere (promoting or encouraging masculine ideal)
Masturbation - Lilith
Materialism and Money - Sedna, Spider Woman, Gaia, Cleopatra (managing large amounts)
Maturity - Changing Woman, Persephone
Meditation - Artemis, Nimuë, Thetis (calm)
Memory - Spider Woman, Gaia
Menopause - Changing Woman, Demeter
Mental Clarity (during strongly emotional situation) - Athena & Venus together
Merging - Arianrhod (with all creation), Spider Woman, Isis (with a soul mate or twin flame)
Mid Life - Changing Woman
Mid-Life Crisis - Changing Woman
Miracles - Mary, Isis
Miscarriage - Arianrhod, Ix Chel
Moderation - Venus, Thetis, Athena
Mood Swings - Thetis, Venus
Morality - Lilith or Eagle Woman (integrity working with own true values not false culture morality)
Mother - Persephone (good relationship and able to separate)
Mothering - Demeter (inadequate etc., inner knowing how to raise children), Mary (special children), Bast, Arianrhod - Nephthys & Arianrhod (bonding difficulties)
Motion and Sea Sickness - Gaia, Thetis
Motivation - Eagle Woman, Rhiannon (from clear awareness of own value)
Movement - Rhiannon
Nature - Thetis, Dianna, Gaia, Spider Woman
Neediness - Aphrodite (emotional), Sedna (material)
Negativity - Isis, Rhiannon, Psyche, Nephthys
Negotiation - Demeter, Valkyrie, Cleopatra
Nervousness - Kalates, Thetic
Nightmares - Persephone, Valkyrie,
Non-attachment - Valkyrie (to life) - Ishtar (relationships) - Aphrodite & Arianrhod (relationships) - Nimuë (to physical relationship)
Nostalgia - Isis, Rhiannon
Nurturing - Demeter (of others, of self) - Mary (of children) - Rhiannon (of community ideals) - Morgan le Fey & Hel (of sick) - Gaia (of Earth) - Ishtar (of our goals)
Observation - Sphinx (for learning)
Obsession - Aphrodite, Morgan le Fey, Kalates
Offering - Spider Woman
Opening - Athena (the mind), Kalates (channels of communication with spirit world)
Opportunity - Sedna, Cleopatra
Optimism - Bast, Kalates, Isis
Organisation - Spider Woman, Hera, Athena, Cleopatra
Outdoors - Dianna
Overcoming - Isis
Oversensitive - Persephone
Overwhelm - Sphinx, Thetis, Artemis
Paranoia - Morgan le Fey, Persephone
Passion - Aphrodite, Pele, Ishtar, Lilith, Isis.
Patience - Sphinx, Arianrhod (void), Isis
Peace - Thetis, Pele, Athena
Perception - Hel (to masks people wear, i.e. True inner natures)
Perfectionism - Venus, Aphrodite, Psyche, Isis, Nephthys
Perpetuate - Eve, Isis
Perseverance - Isis, Demeter, Psyche
Personal Relationships - Isis, Aphrodite, Venus, Psyche, Ishtar, Lilith
Perspective - Spider Woman, Athena, High Priestess, Isis
Phobias - Persephone, Valkyrie
Physical - Hel (imperfection), Gaia
Planetary Shifts - Gaia (readjusts earthing)
Planning - Valkyrie, Athena, High priestess, Cleopatra
Playfulness - Bast, Thetis
Pleasure - Thetis, Bast
PMT - Changing Woman, Lilith, Pele, Rhiannon, Venus (emotional calm), Gaia, Bast, Ishtar, Hel
Political Astuteness - Cleopatra, Valkyrie
Power - Ishtar, Gaia, Lilith, High Priestess, Isis, Cleopatra
Practicality - Hera, Gaia
Pregnancy - Mary, Eve
Prejudice - Lilith, Eve, Cleopatra
Pride - Isis, Arianrhod
Privacy - Sphinx, Arianrhod
Procrastination - Rhiannon
Promise - Hera, Isis, Rhiannon
Prophecy - Isis, Morgan Le Fey
Prosperity - Gaia, Cleopatra
Protection - Dianna (humans & self, animals), Athena, Artemis & Arianrhod (of physical self), Sphinx (personal boundaries), Valkyrie (battle maidens)
Psychic Abilities - Isis, Nimuë, Morgan le Fey, Arianrhod
Psychosomatic Illness - Morgan le Fey, Sedna
Purification - Nimuë, Pele, Morgan le Fey
Purity - Persephone, Nimuë, Mary
Quiet - Artemis (outer and inner), Thetis (inner)
Rape - Persephone
Reason - Athena
Rebirth - Arianrhod
Receptivity - Persephone
(to males), Mary (to being Creator's vessel), Kalates (to guidance)
Reconciliation - Isis, Hera, Ix, Chel,
Guinevere, Nephthys
Recreate - Ishtar, Isis
Rejection - Venus, Aphrodite, Psyche, Nephthys
Rejuvenation - Nimuë, Changing Woman, Kalates
Relating - Eve, Arianrhod (to all creation)
Relationships - Venus (courting, romance) - Rhiannon (community) - Aphrodite (maturity,
passion) - Artemis (with self and sisterhood) - Ishtar - Persephone (for when we believe
our husband is an ogre & becoming receptive to his unique way of loving us) - Guinevere
Relaxation - Bast
Release - Valkyrie & Pele, Eagle Woman, Nimuë
Releasing Fear - Valkyrie
Releasing Sexual Tension - Persephone (due to abuse), Lilith
Releasing Tension - Bast (general), Isis, Nimuë (of deeply held trauma)
Renewal - Nimuë
Repression - Lilith (sexual desire), Psyche (of pain & fear)
Rescuer - Morgan le Fey (helping others not by rescuing them but by challenging
them to find own ability to heal)
Resentment - Pele (healthy expression of)
Resilience - Bast (to life due to positive attitude) - Psyche
(despite challenging adventure) - Hera (in marriage)
Resilience - Bast, Isis
Resistance - Eagle Woman, Kalates, Nimuë, High Priestess
(surrendering to our destiny), Morgan le Fey (to being healed), Changing Woman (to change)
Resourceful - Psyche, Dianna, Cleopatra
Responsibility - Isis, Rhiannon, Demeter, Cleopatra
Rest - Bast
Restlessness - Thetis, Dianna, Rhiannon
Romance - Venus
Sacred Law - Eagle Woman, High Priestess, Isis
Satisfaction - Demeter, Sedna,
Spider Woman
Scatterdness - Thetis
Scarring - Hel
Second Marriage - Rhiannon, Guinevere,
Security - Sphinx, Persephone, Gaia, Cleopatra
Seeing - Hel (beyond external appearances) - Nimuë (beyond perceptional limitation)
Seeking - Eagle Woman, Kalates, High Priestess, Isis
Self-acceptance - Lilith (of shadow), Aphrodite (self-love), Venus (of physical face & body), Quan Yin, Nephthys (complete)
Self-actualisation - Psyche
Self-concern - Spider Woman, Eve
Self-destructive & Sabotage Patterns - Morgan le Fey, Nephthys
Self-discipline - Isis, Nephthys
Self-effacement - Isis, Arianrhod
Self-esteem - Aphrodite, Venus
Self-expression - Rhiannon
Selfishness - Bast, Spider Woman
Self-Reliance - Dianna, Artemis, Cleopatra
Self-Worth - Ishtar, Nephthys, Lilith & Guinevere (when feel less worth than male)
Seriousness - Bast
Service - High Priestess, Isis, Demeter, Quan Yin
Sexuality - Lilith, Dianna, Ishtar, Aphrodite, Arianrhod
Shadow - Lilith, Nephthys
Shame - Arianrhod, Hel, Lilith, Eve
Sharing - Spider Woman, Eve
Shock - Nimuë, Pele
Shopping - Dianna, Bast, Sedna
Shyness - Isis, Ishtar, Arianrhod
Singing - Bast
Sisterhood - Artemis, Nephthys
Sleep - Thetis, Nimuë, Bast
Sluggishness - Gaia, Pele, Eve
Softness - Isis, Mary, Quan Yin, Kalates, Nimuë.
Solitude - Artemis
Soothing - Kalates, Thetis
Soul Mates - Isis
Space Cadets - Gaia, Eve
Speaking - Rhiannon (expressing self and needs, right time and right way), Sphinx (discretion and silence)
Spiritual Emergence - Isis, Kalates, High Priestess
Spirituality - High Priestess, Eagle Woman, Isis, Nimuë
Spontaneity - Thetis, Pele
Sports - Dianna
Stagnation - Rhiannon
Strength - Gaia, Artemis, Sphinx, Ishtar, Isis, Valkyrie
Stress - Bast, Thetis, Artemis, Eagle Woman (surrender)
Study - Morgan le Fey, Athena, Cleopatra
Success - Isis, Psyche, Ix Chel
Support - Demeter (allowing others to support us as we support them), Nephthys
Supportive - Eve, Demeter Cleopatra, Nephthys
Surrender - Eagle Woman, Valkyrie, Kalates
Synthesis - Isis
Teach - High Priestess, Kalates, Isis (domesticate human)
Tears - Nimuë (releasing repressed tears)
Tenderness - Isis, Venus, Guinevere
Tension - Bast, Artemis, Eagle Woman
Thankfulness - Spider Woman, Demeter
Theft - Demeter
Thinking - Morgan le Fey, Athena
Time - Arianrhod
Tolerance - Aphrodite, Isis, Spider Woman, Eve, Rhiannon, Demeter, Quan Yin, Nimuë
Tradition - Rhiannon
Transcendence - Isis (going beyond self and known limits)
Transformation - Psyche, Isis, Arianrhod, Morgan le Fey (of health, body)
Transition - Arianrhod (from old self to reborn (new self) - Changing Woman (during normal living) - Nimuë - Hel
Trapped - Ix Chel (leaving dysfunctional situations especially marriage) - Pele (fiery catalyst for change) - Rhiannon (when we're stuck in the past)
Trauma - Isis (deep loss and grief) - Morgan le Fey (physical trauma) - Venus (calm emotional body) - Sedna (when we were victims of assaults etc) - Hel (when left with scar) - Thetis (centre and balance after trauma) - Gaia (grounding)
Travel - Dianna, Bast (relaxed), Rhiannon, Arianrhod (through time zones)
True To Self - Eagle Woman, Lilith, Arianrhod,
Trust - Isis (in ability to create own destiny) - Kalates (trusting ones intuition) - Dianna (that what we truly need will be provided) - Morgan le Fey (our ability to heal) - Persephone (that we are safe in the world and from men)
Truth - Ishtar
Twin Flames - Isis
Twin Souls - Isis, Arianrhod
Understand - High Priestess (sacred law), Changing Woman (life), Isis (nature of Creation)
Undoing Events - Nephthys "turning back the clock" (making things up to someone)
Universal Cycles - Arianrhod (awareness of)
Universal Law - High Priestess
Universal Patterns - Arianrhod (awareness of)
Urban Frenzy - Thetis
Urban Goddess - Athena
Victim Mentality - Sedna
Victory - Valkyrie, Isis (against all odds)
Virgins - Persephone (first intercourse) - Dianna & Arianrhod (belonging only to oneself)
Vitality - Gaia, Eve
Void - Arianrhod
Vulnerability - Persephone, Hera, Psyche
Waiting - Sphinx
Warmth - Pele
Water - Nimuë
Wealth - Quan Yin, Hera, Gaia
Wild Woman and Instincts - Dianna, Lilith
Will - Psyche, Isis, Ishtar
Wisdom - High Priestess, Isis, Kalates
Wishes - Spider Woman
Work - Athena - Bast (overwork) - Gaia (exhaustion from work) - Kalates (access to what life's work is) - Rhiannon (expressing oneself through work) - Morgan le Fey (manifesting goals)
Worry - Bast, Kalates
Essences of the Goddesss
Metaphysics Course
Nevine - Practitioner Flyer
PDF - Akhbaka Brochure
Practitioner Flyer
Vibrational Essences description for Insight magazine
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Video Clips
Akhbaka elixrs
Archetypes for Life
Article - Align with your destiny
Article - Alleviate Chronic Fatigue
Article - Energetic support for Men
Article - Essences & relationships
Article - Goddess energy
Article - Starpeople and Starchildren
Article - Work productivity
Article- Energy Healing is not Faith Healing
Article-Energy Medicine
Article; Essences & Elixirs to support Healers.
Article; Soulmates, twin souls, twin flames and twin spirit relationships.
Article; The Difference between Flower,Gem, Vibrational and Channelled Essences.
Article; The accuracy of intuitive or psychic readings
Article;Practical Self-Healing is a major benefit of using Essences.
Attributes Index-Elemental Elixirs
Attributes index - Akhbaka elixrs
Attributes index - Goddess essences
Attributes index - Starchildren
Attributes of the individual Masculine Akhbaka Energies imprinted in the 48 Elixirs; The Gods
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