Metaphysics Course; Intuitives, Magicians, Healers & Dreamers
Learn Spiritual Healing & Energetic Healing whilst developing into an accomplished Intuitive Counsellor.
There are numerous ways to develop intuition, magical & healing abilities to adept level (practitioner level). This course will explore a path which best develops your abilities through well researched, safe & effective methods.
Your presenter Nevine Z Rottinger will guide & support your journey. Class mates will enhance the experience.
If you have ever felt a cold shiver down your spine on a warm & sunny day, then you might want to find out what causes that. If you have ever decided you wanted something & had it turn up magically in your life then come & develop your magical healing abilities. If you often know who is on the phone before you pick it up or have ever had an eerily prophetic dream, then come along & develop your gift further.
Maybe you are actually looking for an efficient effective path to self development or wish to become an energy healer....then come along & learn in a safe fun way how you might become an expert Intuitive, Magician, Healer & Dreamer. This course will facilitate your connection to your "Higher Self" the immortal navigator within. So even if you have done many courses & learned many will better understand how to use all these skills with greater clarity.
Each week theory & practice will explore & develop your knowledge
& skill in various areas which include;
The historical origins of Magick & Esoteric healing.
Human Perception
How to meditate to enhance clarity perception & intuition.
Connecting to inner &/ or spiritual guidance.
Learn to Channel Spirit
Develop Mediumship
Sensing Energy, manipulating energy & changing the physical tangible world.
The Human Energy Field & the Web of Creation.
The Human Mind & the levels of creation.
Angels, Guides, Devas, Animal Totems, Spirit Guides, Elementals, E.Ts
The Ego, the Shadow, The Ancestral mind, Logic & Spirit
Religion & other beliefs, such as science; both friend & foe to your spiritual evolution.
A look at various schools of thought & practice in Metaphysics, Magick & Healing.
Karma its value to your spiritual evolution & tool for healers.
Karmic upgrades & genetic healing.
Healing tools; Crystals, essences, Homeopathy, Kinesiology etc
Mental disease or intuition.
Medical intuition.
The Chakras
The light Bodies.
Architecture & structure of the universe.
Soul Retrieval
The value of esoteric sciences such as; Numerology, Astrology, Geomancy etc.
Miracles Vs the process of healing.
Distance Healing, Face to Face Healing or Hands on Healing....what works where, when & for whom.
Quantum physics & Manifestation.
Practicing the Law of Attraction Effectively.
Dreams as tools to healing & evolution.
Nutrition & exercise to support Intuitives, magicians & healers.
The various types of Channelers (advantages & precautions).
Psychic Protection & Ethics for light workers.
Oracles & their value & uses; Tea leaves, Tarot, cloud readings, sand readings, Crystal Bowls etc
Crystals, Crystal grids & layouts, Crystal Feng- Shui.
Ghosts, space clearings, evil spirits etc
Psychic attack, Hexes, Curses, the Evil Eye.
Soul Family, Twin Souls, Soul Mates, Twin Flames
Chaos, Free will & choice Vs Destiny & Fate.
Energy cannot be crated nor destroyed ...the Philosophers stone.
Course will run 46 weeks year 1 & Year 2
Cost $80 for 3 hour class
Location, Epping / North Carlingford area.
(exact location TBA) ph;02 98685865
Nevine's mobile 0407660320
First Year; introductory level
Second Year;; adept/Practitioner level.
Video Clips
Article - Align with your destiny
Article - Alleviate Chronic Fatigue
Article - Starpeople and Starchildren
Article- Energy Healing is not Faith Healing
Article-Energy Medicine
Article; The Difference between Flower,Gem, Vibrational and Channelled Essences.
Article; The accuracy of intuitive or psychic readings
Article;Practical Self-Healing is a major benefit of using Essences.
Attributes index - Starchildren
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