Privacy Policy & Disclaimer
The intuitive guidance and suggested uses for the essences and elixirs on this site, does not represent a therapeutic claim from the producer Nevine Z Rottinger or Essential Energies.
The channelled guidance offered here, is not intended in any way or at any time, to serve as a replacement of your doctor, naturopath, legal counsel, financial advisor, career advisor, lover, family etc. As a wholistic business we do not believe in a single cause, single truth, perfect solution or product.
Instead we encourage you to make your own choices and decisions. If you wish to use any of our products or guidance feel free to do so. Do not however do so, with the impression that the suggestions or descriptions based on clinical observations, contained on this site are a therapeutic claim.
Success or Healing are both mysterious wondrous experiences dependent on you and you alone. So be brave and take responsibility for and ownership of any decision you make to use our products and services. Then sit back and enjoy.
Privacy Policy
Any information made available to Essential Energies, by clients or even perspective clients, will not be shared with any third party at any time.
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Article- Energy Healing is not Faith Healing
Article-Energy Medicine
Article; Essences & Elixirs to support Healers.
Article; The accuracy of intuitive or psychic readings
Article;Practical Self-Healing is a major benefit of using Essences.
Attributes Index-Elemental Elixirs
Choosing the right essences or elixirs is easy
Favourite sites on the internet
Feng-Shui Cures using the Elemental Elixirs
Metaphysics Course; Intuitives, Magicians, Healers & Dreamers
Personal Archetypal Charts: your Soul Profiled
Practitioners using the Elemental Elixirs
Preparing a Personal Blend (mixture)
Privacy Policy & Disclaimer
Some thoughts on the benefits derived from using the Elemental Elixirs and why.
The Elemental Elixirs- Brief overview