The Astrology of the Australian Fires
December 2019 to Early 2020
My “sunburned” adopted home; beautiful Australia is on fire. The fires are out of control in many regions. I almost feel frustrated that I cannot do much more than donate money, offer my home as respite to friends likely to be affected & focus my thoughts on the arrival of cooling drenching rain. I know our collective thoughts affect the natural elements but I am also aware that as more people focus on climate change and “ The End of Days” they create /manifest more catastrophic “climate change”. I am an advocate of reducing plastic, maintaining frugal water use, as well as using sustainable and safe Energy… yet I feel there is a need for more information in our community on the causes of natural climatic changes/cycles. As a Science educated individual I was taught sometimes an occurrence has many causal reasons & sometimes there are many causes leading to one occurrence. I feel too much emphasis on human causes of global warming is limited perspective. All causes of global warming & extreme weather need to be better understood. Our bushfire management strategies also may need a rethink. I hope we will soon work out how to use natural resources in ways which leave minimal impact on our environment. Most of all I grieve the loss of life & property all around me this “Holiday Season”.
I look to our future & I hope more people will put more water tanks in their homes maybe as many as 2-3 tanks & not just one …if they have space. I hope councils will set up local water capturing facilities to support irrigation & washing council areas. I hope we will learn how to desalinate water more efficiently in the future we certainly have enough solar power to do it (high energy use is one of the current concerns). I hope we will back-burn more effectively. We are finally listening to the Aboriginals for some further insights in the face of Bushfires.
I hope people will stop abusing the current Prime Minister and instead focus more on addressing the issues around our inherently DRY continent Australia. We have always being the driest continent on earth if we don’t include Antarctica in the picture. I hope we all think more effectively on preparing for bush fire season. Hysteria around “global warming” needs to be curtailed as everyone is encouraged to looks at all the elements causing this disaster & not just assume that this is only caused by the raising of CO2 levels & burning of fossil fuels.,,
I personally have usually found the study of Astrology more fascinating at a country & global level than at the personal level. The study of Financial Astrology, Global Political astrology has been more intriguing & a way to avoid overusing using my Clairvoyance at the mass level. Looking at the Astrology of Australia I feel these catastrophic fires are “on Time”. Let me explain what I mean by that last statement Astronomical events often correlate to physical & emotional events. The study of these repeated correlations is called Astrology. Astrology is considered a Pseudoscience by many. Others like me are fascinated by its uncanny ability to predict the timing of events. If you look at our Astrological Country chart of Australia (26th Jan 1788), you would notice that the most recent solar eclipse occurred in Australia’s 12th house. The Eclipse on Dec 26th 2019 involved as always the Sun, Moon, Mercury, but this time Jupiter (a fire representing planet) was also involved. Indeed Jupiter had a southern declination of 23 degrees which is significant in this instance. A Pluto/Saturn conjunction was also near the eclipse point & the planets all had southern declinations.
The 12th house represents self sabotage, self destruction & self undoing. Knowing that a solar eclipse brings events to a head you would understand that this is eclipse suggests an exaggeration of the usual drought and bushfire cycles we see in Australia would occur. You could have predicted the large scale destruction of bush & property as well as life too perhaps looking at the conjunction of Saturn with Pluto (death/ transformation). The 12th house in Australia’s Astrology chart is ruled by Capricorn a sign which rules government, firemen, police, armed forces, barren land & drought & coal amongst other things. Coincidentally Capricorn is historically correlated with restriction & restraint. The anger at our government is also suggested by the astronomical events at this time. The focus on curtailing coal use is predictable also from the chart & the transit of Saturn through Saturn. The necessity of relying on the support by our armed forces towards our country during the crises is also predictable. Our fourth house representing our land mass that is Australia is ruled by Taurus a “dry” sign.
If I were to predict the end of the acute stages of these fires I would use the eclipse laws/ guidelines often used by Astrologers & these suggest sometime 46-55 days from now. So towards the end of February if not before we may well have seen the end of these serious bush fires. We may even get consistent rain for a while by March.
Please look at this article for more astrological perspectives
Please note I have written here simply a blog about my astrological perspectives regarding the fires at present & the power of Astrological information in predicting the timing & magnitude of these. My interest in Elemental Energies which was first activated during my production of the Elemental Elixirs by Essential Energies has been heightened during these fires…as it has been for many of us. I do not pretend that this is a scholarly article nor do I feel it needs to be. My ascendant is in Taurus which suggests that I am a practical woman. The rest of my Astrological chart suggests the passionate interest in Metaphysical studies & practices I possess.
Love & Light to Australia… my adopted Motherland .