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sacred monuments

Posted January 14, 2009 07:40am

Today I visited Vatican city in Rome with my family. The architecture and art was truly maginificent as I had anticipated. Even my fifteen year old son, who draws extremely well, but had led me to believe that playing his computer game held more promise for him than a bunch of dead popes toombs and a few painted ceilings seemed very much intigued by what he saw.

Though I have spent many hours around art all my life, the works of these masters (Raphael, Botticelli and Michaelangelo) has always for me, held an "illumination" and a "Mirror of the Divine" within humanity, that has made me appreciate the catholic church's financial generosity towards their work.

However I felt such energetic heaviness and darkness in certain spots within the city, even in St Peters Basilica that I had to ask my guardian angel Sam why was this so?

My Angel Sam reminded me how last year upon entering Notre Dame and Sacre Coer in Paris, I had automatically felt uplifted and had tears spontaneously begun to run down my cheeks. Do you also remember the same feeling when you have heard the Sheiks calling the faithful to pray to Allah, whenever you have been around certain mosques in the arab world. How about the circle of trees in Tahity which was cosidered an ancient sacred site? You often have you had a similar feeling around some of your favourite places near the sea have you not? he reminded me.

Sam proceeded to explain that the combination of elemental, structural and devotional energy, as well as certain inherent power points or energetic doorways, was how certain places; pagan, natural or religious in origin create an elevation within our psyche, our soul in fact, making it naturally easier to worship or at least recognise the divinity within creation. Yesturday you visited the Pantheon, he continued and despite the tourists, the souvenir merchants and countless cameras flashing you heard people take in a breath on entering, you saw the serenity on their faces as they left. Do you know why, he asked? Of course I thought the land energy itself holds upteen dimensional doorways, the geometry of the building holds so much inherent sacred shapes, whilst the dome with the opening naturally forcres one to gaze up to the heavens.

Certain places of worship are built and structured to take advantage of energy power points and to benefit from the energy balancing or healing effects inherent within the area, whilst others do not. The two french cathedrals you saw last year take such advantage he pointed out as well as holding an energetic history of centuries of devotion and prayer. Unfortunately the city of the popes holds less inherent natural power, so the structure of the buildings and the paintings were commisioned to elevate the energy. Unfortunately when pilgrimms and visitors come they sometimes dump negativity, fear and despair in the area and this has built up over time in certain spots. Luckily the art lifts the spirit in other areas. However the elemental and land energy is not stong enough to keep the area elevated enough for someone lke you who prefers a certain range to feel a place is truly sacred (a home to spirit).


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